Hey folks -. It's the end of the month so I thought it would be a good time for a technical roadmap update.

31 May 2023, 22:32
Hey folks - It’s the end of the month so I thought it would be a good time for a technical roadmap update. We have lots in the pipeline for the next few weeks and months. Metagraphs - We’re seeing increased metagraph stability on TestNet with the bug fixes that have rolled out over the past few weeks. The team has also started testing increased per-snapshot data limits - increasing from 50kb to 500kb - which were found to be a limiting factor for token transaction throughput. The development focus over the next month will be on stability, security, and testing the features described below within the Currency Framework. Euclid SDK + protocol metagraph support - We’re targeting a release for next week to TestNet with the following features: customizable rewards logic within the Currency Framework, support for multiple peer signers on metagraph snapshots, and support for metagraph token transactions within the Block Explorer API. We are using this week to prepare for next week's deployment. TestNet will require a rollback to handle schema changes introduced as part of the multiple peer signers feature which we will coordinate with project teams and TestNet node operators. Currency Framework Data API - Work on the custom binary data feature within the Currency Framework continues to move forward. Metagraphs will be able to define custom data types, validate data transactions, and store metagraph data within a custom-defined data store. This will ship as default functionality with the Currency Framework so projects can easily combine data and token transaction functionality. At this point, we’re tracking for the 2nd half of June for this release to TestNet along with documentation and examples. Security review - The security review is under way with the process wrapping up near the end of June. We’re saving some team bandwidth to work on any issues that may be found but so far no issues have been identified. Additional spots for TestNet access will begin opening up for development teams over the next few weeks. Apply at the link below to participate. Your metagraph project may be eligible for a grant. Email grants@constellationnetwork.io to have your project reviewed internally by the Constellation team - must have a metagraph already running on TestNet to apply.